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Drawmer DL241 Compressor: 645.00 – 1. available
Input impedance: 20KÙ
Maximum input level: +20dBu
Output impedance: 50 Ù (bal), 100 Ù (unbal)
Maximum output level: +20dBu
Bandwidth: < 10Hz to 22KHz -1dB
Power requirements: 115Volt or 230Volt at 50-60Hz, 9 Watts
Fuse rating: 32mA for 230Volt, 63mA for 115Volt
Fuse type: 20mm x 5mm, Class 3 Slo-Blo, 250Volt working
Case size: 482mm (w) x 44mm (h) x 200mm (d)
Weight: (incl packaging) 3.2 Kgs
Drawmer’s unique “Programmed Adaptive Expansion” circuitry allows effective ‘single control operation’ producing a fast smooth response and eliminating ‘chatter’ on or around threshold. This design differs from that of conventional Expanders in that the Expansion Ratio, Hold Attack and Release continually adapt themselves to the dynamics of the incoming signal. The Expander/Gate provides 80dB range and variable threshold from +20dB to 70dB with an OFF position. Switching is provided for ‘Fast’ or ‘Slow’ release characteristics. The ‘Fast’ mode can be used for instruments with rapid decay times or for additional tightening of the gating effect. The ‘Slow’ mode is more suitable for vocals and instruments with longer decay times or can be used to smooth over rough fade outs. A single LED indicates gating action.
A full Auto Attack/Release Compressor with variable Threshold and Ratio successfully combines the smoothness of the ‘Soft Knee’ principle with the precision of a ‘Ratio’ control. The advantage of this combination is that instead of the onset of compression being sudden at the threshold point the ratio increases over a 10dB input level range until it reaches the ratio set on the front panel control, thus achieving a more natural sounding compression. Selectable manual or fully automatic Attack and Release times dramatically extend the application range and user scope of the DL241. Selecting the ‘Auto’ mode removes the need for manual adjustment and is particularly valuable when the program being treated does not have predictable or consistent dynamics, often the case when processing a complete mix or a virtuoso bass guitar performance. Under manual control the wide range of adjustment available gives the user the ability to create dynamic effects as well as normal compression.
Peak Level. ‘Zero Response Time’, ‘Zero Overshoot’ circuitry
This provides an absolute limit to the peak level of the output signal, adjustable from OdB to +16dB above system level. When set to the required level, any excessive peaks will be stopped and the gain momentarily decreased if necessary. The ‘Zero Response Time’ is essential to avoid unpleasant distortion when mastering for CD or sending any signal to digital equipment. ‘Zero Response Time’ means that the DL241 provides complete protection from even the fastest and shortest signal ‘spikes’ (overloads), making the unit also ideally suited for speaker system protection in sound reinforcement applications.
Comprehensive bar graph displays give ‘at a glance’ indications of gain reduction, and output signal level Gain reduction from 1dB to -30dB is shown simultaneously with signal level from -20dB to +15dB Other single LEDs indicate function status of Gating Acton, Auto Mode, Bypass, Peak Limiting, Stereo Linking, and Power On.
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BSS DPR404 compressor: 195.00 – 3. available
Read more[wpforms id="87" title="true"]The DPR-404 is a 4 channel compressor with high frequency de-essing.
Each channel includes:
- Threshold control
- Below threshold metering
- Ratio control
- A gain reduction meter
- A clip LED
- Gain control
- Linking
- High frequency de-esser.
Attack and release time constants are automatically and continually regulated by dynamic and harmonic content of program material.
The unit features electronically balanced inputs and outputs.